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Work ID number BITECA texid 10376
Authors Vicent Ferrer
Titles Sermo sobre “Disputantes cum Stephano, non poterant resistere sapientiae et spiritus loquebatur”
Sermo sancti Stephani
Date / Place pronunciat Saragossa 1412 [?] - 1418 [?]
Language català
Text Type: Prosa, Sermó
References (most recent first) Ferrer et al. (1975), Sermons 6:195-8
Number of Witnesses 1
ID no. of Witness 1 cnum 9419
City, library, collection & call number València: Archivo-Biblioteca Histórica Catedralicio, Ms. 277 (BITECA manid 2379)
Copied 1412 a quo - 1428 ca. (Sanchis Sivera)
Location in witness ff. 238-[?]
Title(s) Vicent Ferrer, Sermo sobre “Disputantes cum Stephano, non poterant resistere sapientiae et spiritus loquebatur”, pronunciat 1412 [?] - 1418 [?]
Incipit & Explicits rubr.: [ 238] sermo sancti stephani
tema: disputantes cum stephano non poterant resistere sapiencie et spiritus qui loquebatur act. 6,9/10
text: […] e donchs digats quala es pus bella forma de foch o de home … e per ço vosaltres si algun ni ha que li haje mort son pare o fill o marit perdonat e pregats a deus que perdo a aquells qui morts los dos han etc
Record Status Created 2007-04-27
Updated 2012-11-09