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Work ID number BITECA texid 10323
Authors Vicent Ferrer
Titles Sermó sobre “Intravit Jesus in Templum”
Sermo in feria iii
Sermo de reverentia Templi
Date / Place pronunciat 1412 [?] - 1418 [?]
Language català
Text Type: Prosa, Sermó
References (most recent first) Ferrer et al. (1975), Sermons 5:137-43
Number of Witnesses 1
ID no. of Witness 1 cnum 9320
City, library, collection & call number València: Archivo-Biblioteca Histórica Catedralicio, Ms. 276 (BITECA manid 1569)
Copied 1412 a quo - 1428 ca. (Sanchis Sivera)
Location in witness ff. 97-101 ff. lxxxxv-lxxxxviiij
Title(s) Vicent Ferrer, Sermó sobre “Intravit Jesus in Templum”, pronunciat 1412 [?] - 1418 [?]
Incipit & Explicits rubr.: [ 97] fferia iija de reuerencia templi
tema: Intrauit ihesus jn templum Mt .21o. cao
text: Ara vos vull preycar que quan vosaltres vjndreu al tample ala esglesia per hoir la missa com vos deueu gouernar lo dia dela festa Daujd parlant del temple … [ 101] … que preguen adeu que sie feta justicia de aquells apoc .vjo. cao Vidi suptus altare dei animas jnterfectorum propter uerbum dei et propter testimonium ejus quod habebant et clamabant voce magna dicentes (…) et fratres eorum quj interficiendi sunt sicut illj
Record Status Created 2007-04-27
Updated 2012-02-14