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Work ID number BITAGAP texid 7235
Authors John Gower
Titles Confessio Amantis
Livro do Amante
Date / Place escrito/a 1386 - 1393 (Peck)
traduzido/a 1430 ad quem (MS de Madrid)
Language português
inglês (orig.)
Text Type: Prosa
Associated Persons Tradutor(a): Robert Paim, filho de Thomas Allen Payne, secretário
Patrocinado por [?]: Filipa de Lencastre (D.), tradutora ?(Silva (2022))
References (most recent first) Silva (2022), “D. Filipa de Lancaster e D. Isabel. Religiosidade e patrocínio religioso (1387-1430)”, Mulheres mecenas e as Artes 24
Byrne (2021), “Guy of Warwick in Iberia: England, Portugal and the background to Tirant lo Blanch”, Medium Aevum
Dávila (2021), “'Insinança das Donas': Educação e literacia femininas na corte portuguesa de Quatrocentos”, Língua-Lugar: Literatura, História, Estudos Culturais 27
Faccon (2020), “Aves marinas y otras criaturas fantásticas en el Livro do amante”, Medievalismo no século XXI
Pérez Fernández (2020), “Paratextual Deviations: The Transmission and Translation of Gower's Confessio Amantis in the Iberian Peninsula”, John Gower in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books 113-30
Byrne (2019), “From Hólar to Lisbon: Middle English Literature in Medieval Translation, c. 1286-c. 1550”, The Review of English Studies. New Series 433-35, 446-47, 459
Alvar et al. (2018), "Confessio Amantis". Literatura moral y materia amorosa en Inglaterra y la Península Ibérica (siglos XIV-XV) 1:10 e passim
Faccon (2018), “La Confesso Amantis en la Península Ibérica: una investigación (1992-2016)”, Literatura Medieval (Hispánica): nuevos enfoques metodológicos y críticos 203-13
Pérez-Fernández (2018), “From England to Iberia: The Transmission of Marginal Elements in the Iberian Translations of Gower's Confessio Amantis”, Text, Transmission, and Transformation in the European Middle Ages, 1000-1500 passim
Robert Payn (2017-09-26)
Sir Thomas Allen Payne (2017-04-23)
Faccon (2017), “La grave enfermedad del rey de Pulla. De los Siete Sabios a las traducciones ibéricas de la Confessio Amantis”, Memorabilia 19:65-78
Sáez-Hidalgo (2017), “Gower in Early Modern Spanish Libraries: The Missing Link”, John Gower: Others and the Self 329-44
Sáez-Hidalgo (2017), “Iberian manuscripts of Gower's works”, The Routledge Research Companion to John Gower 110-16
Beceiro Pita (2016), “Poder regio y mecenazgo en el Occidente peninsular: las reinas e infantas de las dinastías Trastamara y Avís”, Anuario de Estudios Medievales 46:1:337-39
Olivera Serrano (2016), “Felipa y Catalina de Láncaster: religiosidad y relato historiográfico”, Anuario de Estudios Medievales 46:1:367-69, 381-82
Pascual-Argente (2015), “La huella de las Sumas de historia troyana en la Confessio Amantis castellana”, Revista de Filología Española 95:128-30 e 133-49
Silva (2014), Filipa de Lencastre - A Rainha Inglesa de Portugal 170-73
Faria (2014), “From Norwich to Lisbon: Factionalism, Personal Association, and Conveying the Confessio Amantis”, John Gower in England and Iberia. Manuscripts, Influences, Reception 131-38
Galloway (2014), “Gower's Kate”, John Gower in England and Iberia. Manuscripts, Influences, Reception 196-97
Galván (2014), “At the Nájera Crossroads (1367): Anglo-Iberian Encounters in the Late Fourteenth Century”, John Gower in England and Iberia. Manuscripts, Influences, Reception 116-17
Pascual-Argente (2014), “Remembering Antiquity in the Castilian Confessio Amantis”, John Gower in England and Iberia. Manuscripts, Influences, Reception 153-54
Sáez-Hidalgo et al. (2014), John Gower in England and Iberia. Manuscripts, Influences, Reception
Silva (2014), “D. Duarte e os irmãos - uma educação anglo-normanda?”, D. Duarte e a sua época: Arte, cultura, poder e espriritualidade 62
Sebastián Perdices et al. (2013), “La traducción de la fábula de Ifis y Anaxárete: a propósito de la Confessio Amantis de John Gower y sus traductores peninsulares”, Medievalia. Revista d'Estudis Medievais 16:133-39
Pereira (2013), “Da fábula e dos seus arredores: a exemplaridade animal na literatura medieval portuguesa”, História Crítica da Fábula na Literatura Portuguesa Cap. 1 (pp. 29, 32-34)
Pérez-Fernández (2012), “The Margins in the Iberian Manuscirpts of John Gower's Confessio Amantis: Language, Authority and Readership”, Revista de Filología Inglesa 33:29-44
Yeager et al. (2012), Royal Entertainments: The Poetry of John Gower: English, Portuguese, and Castilian Courts
Faccon (2011), “Los amores ilícitos en la tradición ibérica de la Confessio Amantis”, La transmission de savoirs licites et illicites dans le monde hispanique péninsulaire (XIIe au XVIIe siècles): Hommage à André Gallego 141-54
Sierra (2011), “Voice and Meaning: Writing Authority in Late Medieval England and Iberia”, 4 e passim
Cortijo Ocaña (2010), “El libro VI de la Confessio Amantis”, Revista de Literatura Medieval 22:11-74
Bullón-Fernández (2009), “Translating Women, Translating Texts: Gower's 'Tale of Tereus' and the Castilian and Portuguese Translation of the Confessio Amantis”, John Gower: Manuscripts, Readers, Contexts 109-32
Faccon (2009), “Nuevos datos sobre la tradición manuscrita ibérica de la Confessio Amantis goweriana”, Medievalismo en Extremadura. Estudios sobre Literatura y Cultura Hispánicas de la Edad Media CD-ROM:95-105
Silva (2009), Práticas religiosas e hábitos culturais inovadores na corte dos reis de Portugal (1387-1415) 206-08
Yeager (2009), “John Gower's Iberian footprint: the manuscripts”, SELIM: revista de la Sociedad Española de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Medieval 16:91-101
Cortijo Ocaña (2008), “Medea la nigromantesa. A propósito de los hechizos de Medea en Rojas y Gower”, Revista de Literatura Medieval 20:31-58
Cortijo Ocaña (2007-08), “El ‘terçeyro liuro' de la Confessio Amantis portuguesa”, Revista de Lenguas y Literaturas Catalana, Gallega y Vasca 13:147-80
Cortijo Ocaña et al. (2007), “‘O Rregimento dos homees'. El Libro VII de la Confessio amantis portuguesa”, Revista de Literatura Medieval 19:7-124
Faccon (2007), “La Fortuna de la Confessio Amantis en la península Ibérica: Estudio comparativo de las traducciones y edición del ms. Madrid, Real Biblioteca, II-3088 (prólogo I, II, III IV libros)”, 10-114
Oliveira (2007), “Gower saúda Chaucer em Português: um excerto do Livro do Amante (Palacio, MS II-3088)”, "And gladly wolde (s)he lerne and gladly teche". Homenagem a Júlia Dias Ferreira 459-67
Seruya et al. (2007), “Notes for a cartography of literary tanslation in Portugal”, Doubts and Directions in Translation Studies 68
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Coleman (2006), “The Flower, the Leaf and Philippa of Lancaster”, The Legend of Good Women: Context and Reception 33-55
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Subject Fundo Geral
Number of Witnesses 2
ID no. of Witness 1 cnum 18039
City, library, collection & call number Madrid: Real Biblioteca, II/3088 (BITAGAP manid 3122)
Copied Ceuta: João Barroso, 1430
Location in witness ff. 9r-259v
Title(s) John Gower, Livro do Amante (tr. Robert Paim), traduzido/a 1430 ad quem
Incipit & Explicits texto: [ 9r] DE aquelles que screuerõ ante nos ficam os lyuos … [ 259v] … p̃a senpre possa durar.
References Alvar et al. (2018), "Confessio Amantis". Literatura moral y materia amorosa en Inglaterra y la Península Ibérica (siglos XIV-XV) 1-2:115-1254
Yeager et al. (2012), Royal Entertainments: The Poetry of John Gower: English, Portuguese, and Castilian Courts
Faccon (2010), Fortuna de la "Confessio Amantis" en la Península Ibérica: el testimonio portugués
Faccon (2007), “La Fortuna de la Confessio Amantis en la península Ibérica: Estudio comparativo de las traducciones y edición del ms. Madrid, Real Biblioteca, II-3088 (prólogo I, II, III IV libros)”, 123-292
Cortijo Ocaña (2007), “El libro VI de la Confessio Amantis”, eHumanista [revista virtual] 8:45-72
ID no. of Witness 2 cnum 14449
City, library, collection & call number : Desconhecido - Perdido ?, (BITAGAP manid 2728)
Copied 1430 antes de
Title(s) John Gower, Livro do Amante (tr. Robert Paim), traduzido/a 1430 ad quem
Record Status Created 1993-08-30
Updated 2023-05-25