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ID no. of Specific Copy

BITAGAP cnum 6365
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 5823
Desconhecido. Regras do Latim
Language português e latim
City, library, collection, & call number Oxford: Bodleian Library, Digby 26
Title(s) in volume Reglas pera enformarmos os menynos en latin
Copied 1301 1400
1401 1500 (Moreira de Sá)
Location in witness ff. 76r-82v
Title(s) in witness Reglas pera enformarmos os menynos en latin
Incipits & Explicits in witness texto: [ 76r] Quem faz e quẽ diz e ntõ … [ 82v] … ssima, amans, cius, ssimum.
References (Most recent first) Fernandes (2013), “Vernacular and language teaching in the Portuguese Middle Ages: the ms. Digby 26 and the "Reglas pera enformarmos os menyos en latim"”, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 23:55-70
Nascimento (1989), “Pueris laica lingua reserabit: As 'Reglas pera enformarmos os menynos en latin'. Ms Oxford, BL, Digby 26 (séc. XIV)”, Euphrosyne. Nova Série 17:219-32
Record Status Created 1989-08-15
Updated 2014-05-02