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ID no. of Reference BITAGAP bibid 6232
Format livro. referência secundária. Impresso
Title Dissertation Abstracts International. Ser. A. The Humanities and Social Sciences
Place / Publisher Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International
Date / Location 1938-99: pp.
Volumes 90
Note Título dos volumes 1 (1938) - 11 (1951): Microfilm Abstracts.
Subject Bibliografia - Bibliografias
Held by Berkeley: UCB [Doe Library] AC801 M45 Ser. A
Source of Data for References bibid 4321 Ackerlind (1972), “The Relationship of Alfonso X of Castille to Diniz of Portugal”,
bibid 4322 Bagby (1968), “The Moor and the Jew in the 'Cantigas' of Alfonso X, el Sabio”,
bibid 5340 Blackmore (1992), “Fernão Lopes and the Writing of History in the 'Crónica de D. João I'”,
bibid 6217 Bouterse (1996), “Literacy, Orality, and the Cantigas: Toward an Ethomusicology of Medieval Europe”,
bibid 8441 Brown (1971), “A History of the Zéjel in Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan Literatures”,
bibid 6186 Chisman (1974), “Emjambement in Las Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X, el Sabio”,
bibid 4323 Clemens (1949), “A Tentative Portuguese Dictionary of Dated First Occurrences to the Year 1350”,
bibid 6185 Davis, Jr (1969), “The Role of the Virgin in the Cantigas de Santa Maria”,
bibid 10368 Ellis (2003), “Textual-pictorial convention as politics in the 'Cantigas de Santa María" (MS. Escorial T.I.1) of Alfonso X el Sabio”,
bibid 4326 Erwin (1981), “Provençal Troubadours and the 'Cantigas d'Amor': (Similarities and Dissimilarities between Galician-Portuguese 'Cantigas d'Amor' and the Provençal 'Canso'”,
bibid 6375 García (1984), “The Expression of Love in the Galician Cantiga de amor and the Provençal Lyric of the Twelfth Century: A comparison”,
bibid 4304 Gascón Vera (1974), “Vida y Obra Literaria de Don Pedro, Condestable de Portugal”,
bibid 5733 Horvat (1997), “The Political Context and Content of Fernão Lopes' Crónica do Condestável”,
bibid 6241 Jones (1998), “Historical and Literary Perspectives in the Episode of Inés de Castro (Portugal, Afonso IV, Pedro I, Truth, Meaning, Hayden White, Tzvetan Todorov)”,
bibid 5072 Liu (1996), “Equivocal Poetics and Cultural Ambiguity in the Cantigas d'Escarnho e de Mal Dizer”,
bibid 4728 López-Arias (1993), Peculiaridades estilísticas de Fernão Lopes
bibid 6127 Morales Blouin (1979), “Ritual y canto: mito y símbolo en la lírica tradicional ibérica”,
bibid 2510 Nelson (1964), “A Critical Edition of the Livro de Citraria”,
bibid 6192 Nodar Manso (1983), “Narrativa arquetípico-novelesca y narrativa dramática de la poesía galaico-portuguesa medieval”,
bibid 5343 Presilla (1989), “The Image of Death in the 'Cantigas de Santa Maria' of Alfonso X, 1252-1284: The Politics of Death and Salvation”,
bibid 4839 Rodrigues (1986), “Courtly Love in Portugal and Provence: The Lyric Tradition”,
bibid 6374 Rosenn (1992), “Feminine Discourse in Medieval Provençal, Old French, and Galician-Portuguese Lyrics”,
bibid 6199 Scarborough (1983), “Visualization vs. Verbalization in MS. T.J.I. of the Cantigas de Santa Maria”,
bibid 6184 Snow (1972), “The Loor to the Virgin and its Appearance in the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso X, El Sabio”,
bibid 4070 Staley (1977), “The Grotesque in Alfonso X's Cantigas and Berceo's Works: A Study of the Contribution of the Artistic Form to the Moral Philosophy of the Middle Ages”,
bibid 6189 Vandrey (1972), “A Stylistic Approach to the Authorship Problem of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Alfonso el Sabio”,
bibid 6188 Walmisley-Santiago (1993), “'Calila e Dimna', 'Las Siete Partidas' and the 'Cantigas de Santa María': A comparison of social and moral values”,
bibid 6198 Wirth (1983), “The Mother Archetype in the Cantigas d'amigo”,
bibid 6984 Wodkowski (1995), “Entre o Cortesanesco e o Popular: A poesia do Cancioneiro Geral (1516)”,
bibid 5339 Wright (1994), “The Galician-Portuguese 'Cantigas de Amigo': a Feminist Re-Reading”,
Record Status Created 1999-03-11
Updated 2012-01-14