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Work ID number BITAGAP texid 4043
Authors Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela
Incipit & Explicits texto: Muito demostra a Virgem a Senhor espiritual [Mettmann 292]
Date / Place escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Text Type: Poesia
Associated Persons Refere: Dinis (São), bispo de Paris
Refere: Fernando III el Santo, Rei de Castela [1217-08-30 - 1252-05-30]
Refere: Maomet (Nascimento Meca 570?)
Refere: Beatriz de Suábia, Rainha de Leão e Castela
Refere: Alfonso X el Sabio, Rei de Leão e Castela [1252-06-01 - 1284-04-04]
Refere: Marcos (São) Evangelista, Patriarca de Alexandria
Refere: Mateus (São) Apóstolo e Evangelista
Refere: Jorge (Maestre)
Refere: Raimundo de Losana, bispo de Segóvia [1258]
References (most recent first) Morillo Rodríguez et al. (2021), Retablo de la Capilla Real de la Catedral de Sevilla
Shadis (2020), “Family and Friends: Women at the Court of Fernando III”, The Sword and the Cross: Castile-León in the era of Fernando III 201
Negri (2017), “Le Cantigas dei santi nello scriptorium del re Alfonso X il Saggio”, 1:155-85
Negri (2017), “Le Cantigas dei santi nello scriptorium del re Alfonso X il Saggio”, 2:48-51
Corral Díaz (2016), “Beatriz de Suabia e a lírica galego-portuguesa”, Cantares de amigos. Estudos en homenaxe a Mercedes Brea
Lorenzo Gradín (2016), “O encabalgamento léxico na lírica galego-portuguesa”, Cantares de amigos. Estudos en homenaxe a Mercedes Brea 565
Colantuono (2015), “De la vox mortua a la vox viva: sistemas de composición y oralidad en las Cantigas de Santa Maria”, Boitatá. Revista do GT de Literatura Oral e Popular da ANPOLL 19:47-49
Szpiech (2015), “From Founding Father to Pious Son: Filiation, Language, and Royal Inheritance in Alfonso X, the Learned”, Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures 1:223-29
Chagas (2014), “O Cavaleiro nas Cantigas de Santa Maria”, Nuntius Antiquus 10/1
Liuzzo Scorpo (2014), Friendship in Medieval Iberia. Historical, Legal and Literary Perspectives 472-73
Laguna Real (2009), “‘Si el nuestro cuerpo fuere enterrado en Sevilla': Alfonso X y la Capilla de los Reyes”, Alfonso X el Sabio. Catálogo de la exposición
Sansterre et al. (2009), “‘De l'inanimus imago' à ‘l'omagem muy bela'. Méfiance à l'égard des images et assor de leur culte dans l'Espagne médiévale (VIIe - XIIIe siècle)”, Edad Media. Revista de Historia
Remensnyder (2000), “The Colonization of Sacred Architecture: The Virgin Mary Mosques, and Temples in Medieval Spain and Early Sixteenth-Century Mexico”, Monks & Nuns, Saints & Outcasts. Religion in Medieval Society: Essays in Honor of Lester K. Little
Parkinson (2005), Centre for the Study of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Oxford University: Poem List , n. 292
Prado-Vilar (2005), “The Gothic Anamorphic Gaze: Regarding the Worth of Others”, Under the Influence: Questioning the Comparative in Medieval Castile 79-80
Remensnyder (2005), “Marian Monarchy in Thirteenth-Century Castile”, The Experience of Power In Medieval Europe, 950-1350
Rubio Flores (2004), “Imágenes de devoción regia en las Cantigas de Santa Maria”, Sociocriticism 19-20:67-83
Raimond-Molinier (2004), “Du magnificat á l'invective et á l'énonciation de la norme: le discours marial dans les Cantigas de Santa María”, Sociocriticism 19-20:216
Martínez (2003), Alfonso X, el Sabio: una biografia 113
Jackson (2002), “Saint and Simulacra: Images of the Virgin in the Cantigas de Santa María of Alfonso X of Castile (1252-1284)”,
Raimond-Molinier (2000), “Le discours sur le roi et sur la royaute dans les Cantigas de Santa Maria d'Alphonse le Sage”, Sociocriticism 14:2:29
Montoya Martínez (1997), “La literatura caballeresca en la obra de Alfonso X”, Revista de Filología Románica 14:2:300-01
Aita (1921), “O códice florentino de Cantigas de Affonso, o Sábio”, Revista de Língua Portuguesa
Ortiz de Zúñiga (1677), Annales eclesiaticos y seculares de la muy noble y muy leal ciudad de Sevilla 116-21
Subject Sevilha
Paraíso (reino)
Poesia - Incipit
Poesia - Até 1351 - Religiosa - Cantigas de Santa Maria
Visão - Visões - Aparição - Aparições - Sonho - Sonhos - Profecia - Profecias
Number of Witnesses 2
ID no. of Witness 1 cnum 5892
City, library, collection & call number San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Real Biblioteca del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, B. I. 2 [Códice de los Músicos] [MS E] (BITAGAP manid 1087)
Copied Iohannes Gundisalvi ?, 1252 - 1300
1281 ad quo (Ferreira)
1272 - 1283 (Chico Picaza)
Location in witness ff. 261r-262v
Title(s) Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela, “Muito demostra a Virgem a Senhor espiritual [Mettmann 292]”, escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Incipit & Explicits texto: Mvito demostra a uirgen a sennor esperital
glosa: E de tal razon com'esta uos direi com'hũa uez
Poetic Stanza 1 x 2, 21 x 6
References Prado-Vilar (2005), “The Gothic Anamorphic Gaze: Regarding the Worth of Others”, Under the Influence: Questioning the Comparative in Medieval Castile 79-80
Alfonso X et al. (1959-72), Cantigas de Santa Maria 3:102-05 , n. 292
ID no. of Witness 2 cnum 5893
City, library, collection & call number Firenze: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, B. R. 20 [= Banco Rari, 20] [MS F] (BITAGAP manid 1091)
Copied 1280 - 1300
1272 - 1278 (Chico Picaza)
Location in witness ff. 10v-11v
Title(s) Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela, “Muito demostra a Virgem a Senhor espiritual [Mettmann 292]”, escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Incipit & Explicits texto: Mvito demostra a uirgen a sennor esperital
glosa: E de tal razon com'esta uos direi com'hũa vez
Poetic Stanza 1 x 2, 21 x 6
References Szpiech (2015), “From Founding Father to Pious Son: Filiation, Language, and Royal Inheritance in Alfonso X, the Learned”, Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures 1:223-24
Note Min., f. 12r
Record Status Created 1989-06-07
Updated 2022-05-03