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Work ID number BITAGAP texid 3864
Authors Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela
Incipit & Explicits texto: Quem leixar Santa Maria [Mettmann 132]
Date / Place escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Text Type: Poesia
References (most recent first) Pittaway (2018-01-10), The Virgin's vengeance and Regina's rewards: the surprising character of Mary in the Cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM article 4/6)
Ferreira (2016), “Parody and Music: Iberian Examples”, Parodies courtoises, parodies de la courtoisie 212-15
Liuzzo Scorpo (2014), Friendship in Medieval Iberia. Historical, Legal and Literary Perspectives 465
Ferreira (2014), “Paródia e contrafactum: em torno das cantigas de Afonso X, o Sábio”, Cantigas trovadorescas: da Idade Média aos nossos dias 35-37
Fidalgo Francisco (2009), “A ‘Dona loada que a torto foy malhada': ¿un caso de violencia de xénero?”, Pola melhor dona de quantas fez nostro Senhor. Homenaxe á Profesora Giulia Lanciani 235
Ferreira (2009), “Alfonso X, compositor”, Aspectos da Música Medieval no Ocidente Peninsular. Volume I - Música Palaciana 302
Parkinson (2005), Centre for the Study of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Oxford University: Poem List , n. 132
Bayo (2004), “Las colecciones universales de milagros de la Virgen hasta Gonzalo de Berceo”, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 81:871
Nascimento (2004), Milagres Medievais numa colectânea mariana alcobacense. Edição crítica, tradução e estudo 55-57
Raimond-Molinier (2004), “Du magnificat á l'invective et á l'énonciation de la norme: le discours marial dans les Cantigas de Santa María”, Sociocriticism 19-20:218-19
Lappin (2002), “Lujuria, tentación e impotencia. Desde san Hugo de Avalón a las Cantigas de Santa María”, Iberia cantat
Referido em: Scarborough (2000), “Relaciones entre los Milagros de Nuestra Señora y las Cantigas de Santa María”, Actas del VIII Congreso […] 2:1643-53
Schaffer (1999), “A Nexus between cantiga de amor and cantiga de Santa Maria: The cantiga 'de change'”, La Corónica 27.2:54
Schaffer (1997), “Questions of Authorship: The Cantigas de Santa Maria”, Proceedings of the Eighth Colloquium of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar 24
Martins (1960), “O Livro dos Milagres da Bem-aventurada Virgem Maria”, Brotéria 70:517-32
Baraut i Obiols (1956), “Un recull de miracles de Santa Maria, procedent de Ripoll, i les Cantigues d'Alfons el Savi”, Maria-Ecclesia regina et mirabilis 127-60
Marullo (1934), “Osservazioni sulle Cantigas di Alfonso X e sui Miracles di Gautier de Coincy”, Archivum Romanicum
Dexter (1926), “Sources of the Cantigas of Alfonso el Sabio”,
Fita (1885), “Variantes de tres leyendas por Gil de Zamora”, Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia
Fita Colomé (1885), “Cincuenta leyendas por Gil de Zamora, combinadas con las Cantigas de Alfonso el Sabio”, Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia
Terreros y Pandó et al. (1758), Paleografía española 71-75
Argote de Molina (1588), Nobleza del Andaluzia 74-75
Subject Pisa
Poesia - Incipit
Poesia - Até 1351 - Religiosa - Cantigas de Santa Maria
Number of Witnesses 4
ID no. of Witness 1 cnum 5564
City, library, collection & call number San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Real Biblioteca del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, T. I. 1 [Códice Rico] [MS T] (BITAGAP manid 1090)
Copied 1250 ? - 1300 ?
1271 ad quo (Ferreira)
1272 - 1278 (Chico Picaza)
Location in witness f. 186r-186v
Title(s) Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela, “Quem leixar Santa Maria [Mettmann 132]”, escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Incipit & Explicits texto: Quen leixar santa maria
glosa: Quen leixala groriosa
Poetic Stanza 1 x 2, 20 x 9
References Schaffer (1997), “Questions of Authorship: The Cantigas de Santa Maria”, Proceedings of the Eighth Colloquium of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar 24
Schaffer (1996), “El Escorial, Real Biblioteca de San Lorenzo, MS T.I.1, f. 186r (MS T)”, Manuscripts with Music […] 22-23
Note Min., f. 187r
ID no. of Witness 2 cnum 5563
City, library, collection & call number San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Real Biblioteca del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, B. I. 2 [Códice de los Músicos] [MS E] (BITAGAP manid 1087)
Copied Iohannes Gundisalvi ?, 1252 - 1300
1281 ad quo (Ferreira)
1272 - 1283 (Chico Picaza)
Location in witness ff. 134r-135v
Title(s) Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela, “Quem leixar Santa Maria [Mettmann 132]”, escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Incipit & Explicits texto: Qven leixar santa maria
glosa: Quen lexala groriosa
Poetic Stanza 1 x 2, 20 x 9
References Schaffer (1997), “Questions of Authorship: The Cantigas de Santa Maria”, Proceedings of the Eighth Colloquium of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar 24
Alfonso X et al. (1959-72), Cantigas de Santa Maria 2:87-92 , n. 132
ID no. of Witness 3 cnum 5565
City, library, collection & call number Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS/10069 [MS To] (BITAGAP manid 1067)
Copied 1264 ? - 1276 ? (Ferreira)
Location in witness ff. 99r-100v
Title(s) Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela, “Quem leixar Santa Maria [Mettmann 132]”, escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Incipit & Explicits texto: Quen leixar sancta maria
glosa: Quen leixa la groriosa
Poetic Stanza 1 x 2, 20 x 9
References Boynton (2008), “Reconsidering the Toledo Codex of the Cantigas de Santa Maria in the Eighteenth Century”, Quomodo cantabimos canticum? Studies in Honor of Edward H. Roesner 216
Schaffer (1997), “Questions of Authorship: The Cantigas de Santa Maria”, Proceedings of the Eighth Colloquium of the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar 24
ID no. of Witness 4 cnum 11338
City, library, collection & call number Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS/13055 (BITAGAP manid 1800)
Copied Toledo: Francisco Javier de Santiago y Palomares, 1755 ca.
Location in witness ff. 185r-188v
Title(s) Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela, “Quem leixar Santa Maria [Mettmann 132]”, escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Incipit & Explicits texto: Quen leixar sancta Maria
glosa: Quen leixa la groriosa
Poetic Stanza 1 x 2, 20 x 9
References Boynton (2011), Silent Music: Medieval Song and the Construction of History in Eighteenth-Century Spain
Boynton (2008), “Reconsidering the Toledo Codex of the Cantigas de Santa Maria in the Eighteenth Century”, Quomodo cantabimos canticum? Studies in Honor of Edward H. Roesner 216
Record Status Created 1989-06-01
Updated 2019-05-08