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Work ID number BITAGAP texid 3735
Authors Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela
Incipit & Explicits texto: Por nós de dulta tirar [Mettmann 18]
Date / Place escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Text Type: Poesia
Associated Persons Refere: Alfonso X el Sabio, Rei de Leão e Castela [1252-06-01 - 1284-04-04]
References (most recent first) Pittaway (2018-01-10), The Virgin's vengeance and Regina's rewards: the surprising character of Mary in the Cantigas de Santa Maria (CSM article 4/6)
Martínez Leme (2017), “Léxico y onomástica personal en la documentación medieval gallego-portuguesa”, Rivista Italiana di Onomastica 23:1:76
Chico Picaza (2015), “Life, Pilgrimage and Women in Alfonso X's Cantigas de Santa Maria”, Women and Pilgrimage in Medieval Galicia 150
Parkinson (2005), Centre for the Study of the Cantigas de Santa Maria of Oxford University: Poem List , n. 18
Jackson (2002), “Saint and Simulacra: Images of the Virgin in the Cantigas de Santa María of Alfonso X of Castile (1252-1284)”,
Domínguez Rodríguez (1998-99), “El Arte de la construcción y otras técnicas artísticas en la miniatura de Alfonso X el Sabio”, Alcanate. Revista de Estudios Alfonsíes
Keller (1984), “The Miracle of the Divinely Motivated Silkworms: 'Cantiga 18' of the Cantigas de Santa María”, Hispanófila
Chatham (1976), “A Paleographic Edition of the Alfonsine Collection of Prose Miracles of the Virgin”, Oelschläger Festschrift
Keller et al. (1974), “Las traducciones castellanas de las Cantigas de Santa María”, Boletín de la Real Academia Española 54:275-77 , n. 18
Keller (1959), “Folklore in the Cantigas of Alfonso el Sabio”, Southern Folklore Quarterly
Keller (1954), “A Note on King Alfonso's Use of Popular Themes in his Cantigas”, Kentucky Foreign Language Quarterly
Subject Segóvia
Estremadura (região)
Poesia - Incipit
Poesia - Até 1351 - Religiosa - Cantigas de Santa Maria
Number of Witnesses 4
ID no. of Witness 1 cnum 5234
City, library, collection & call number San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Real Biblioteca del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, T. I. 1 [Códice Rico] [MS T] (BITAGAP manid 1090)
Copied 1250 ? - 1300 ?
1271 ad quo (Ferreira)
1272 - 1278 (Chico Picaza)
Location in witness f. 30r
Title(s) Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela, “Por nós de dulta tirar [Mettmann 18]”, escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Incipit & Explicits texto: POr nos de dulta tirar
glosa: [E] por nos fazer ueer
Poetic Stanza 1 x 4, 9 x 9
Note Min., f. 30v
ID no. of Witness 2 cnum 5233
City, library, collection & call number San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Real Biblioteca del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, B. I. 2 [Códice de los Músicos] [MS E] (BITAGAP manid 1087)
Copied Iohannes Gundisalvi ?, 1252 - 1300
1281 ad quo (Ferreira)
1272 - 1283 (Chico Picaza)
Location in witness ff. 45v-46r
Title(s) Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela, “Por nós de dulta tirar [Mettmann 18]”, escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Incipit & Explicits texto: Por nos de dulta tirar
glosa: E por nos fazer ueer
Poetic Stanza 1 x 4, 9 x 9
References Alfonso X et al. (1959-72), Cantigas de Santa Maria 1:55-57 , n. 18
ID no. of Witness 3 cnum 5235
City, library, collection & call number Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS/10069 [MS To] (BITAGAP manid 1067)
Copied 1264 ? - 1276 ? (Ferreira)
Location in witness ff. 26v-27v
Title(s) Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela, “Por nós de dulta tirar [Mettmann 18]”, escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Incipit & Explicits texto: Por nos de dulta tirar
glosa: E por nos fazer ueer
Poetic Stanza 1 x 4, 9 x 9
ID no. of Witness 4 cnum 11277
City, library, collection & call number Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS/13055 (BITAGAP manid 1800)
Copied Toledo: Francisco Javier de Santiago y Palomares, 1755 ca.
Location in witness ff. 50v-52v
Title(s) Alfonso X, Rei de Leão e Castela, “Por nós de dulta tirar [Mettmann 18]”, escrito/a 1250 ca. - 1282 ca.
Incipit & Explicits texto: Por nos de dulta tirar
glosa: E por nos fazer veer
Poetic Stanza 1 x 4, 9 x 9
References Boynton (2011), Silent Music: Medieval Song and the Construction of History in Eighteenth-Century Spain 129
Record Status Created 1989-05-25
Updated 2019-05-08