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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BITAGAP copid 3290
City and Library Lisboa Biblioteca da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
Collection: Call number [a verificar]
Printed Roma: Estevan Paolinio para João Baptista Lavanha, 1640

External description

References (most recent first) Wilkinson et al. (2016), Iberian books Volumes II & III Books published in Spain, Portugal and the New World or elsewhere in Spanish or Portuguese between 1601 and 1650 | Libros Ibéricos Volúmenes II y III Libros publicados en España, Portugal y el Nuevo Mundo o impresos en toros lugares en español o portugués entre 1601 y 1650 3:1465 , n. 46485
Subject Recursos electrónicos - Internet
Record Status Created 2016-11-08