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ID no. of Reference BITAGAP bibid 20217
Format livro. colecção de estudos. Impresso
Title The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesía galega medieval
Associated persons Alexandre Rodríguez Guerra (Ed. Lit.)
Xosé Bieito Arias Freixedo (Ed. Lit.)
Place / Publisher Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Date / Location 2018: pp. 343
ISBN/ISSN ISBN-13: 978-9027201393
ISBN-10: 9027201390
References (most recent first) comentado em: Pio et al. (2020), “Portuguese Studies. Medieval Literature”, The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 467
recensão por: Santiago Gómez (2019), “Recensão: Rodríguez Guerra, et al. (2018). The Vindel Parchment…”, Verba 46:479-90
contém: Beltran (2018), “Romanística, antropología y comparativismo: Reflexiones metodológicas a propósito de Martin Codax”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesía galega medieval 2-24
contém: Vieira (2018), “Estudo literário das cantigas de Martim Codax”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesía galega medieval 26-38
contém: Cohen (2018), “The Metrics of Martin Codax”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesía galega medieval 40-49
contém: Oliveira (2018), “À volta da tradição manuscrita das cantigas de Martim Codax”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesía galega medieval 52-67
contém: Lemaire-Mertens (2018), “As personagens femininas do Pergaminho Vindel”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesía galega medieval 70-82
contém: Souto Cabo (2018), “Martim Codax e o fenómeno jogralesco na Galiza sul-ocidental”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesía galega medieval 83-101
contém: Mariño Paz (2018), “Literatura en galego e mecenado na Idade Media”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesía galega medieval 104-17
contém: Arias Freixedo (2018), “Areas movedizas: Problemas de edición das cantigas de Martin Codax”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesia galega medieval 120-36
contém: Ferreiro (2018), “A lingua de Martin Codax, entre a tradición e o xénero”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesia galega medieval 138-65
contém: Rodríguez Guerra (2018), “A lingua de Martin Codax: Os esquemas sintácticos”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesia galega medieval 186-219
contém: Ron Fernández (2018), “Martin Codax: O nome. A onomástica na lírica trobadoresca”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesia galega medieval 222-38
contém: Ferreira (2018), “Tradicionalismo e inovação musical na cantiga paralelística”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesia galega medieval 240-55
contém: Gonçalves (2018), “Martim Codax, Dom Dinis, e a democracia burguesa capitalista: Aspectos da prática interpretativa”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesia galega medieval 258-70
contém: López Carreira (2018), “Aproximación á configuración urbana de Vigo na época do Pergamiño Vindel”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesia galega medieval 272-87
contém: Alonso Montero (2018), “Historia da recepción en Galicia do Pergamiño Vindel”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesia galega medieval 290-94
contém: Blas (2018), “Prensa, sociedad gallega y Martin Codax: ¿Cómo divulgaron los periódicos la figura del trovador?”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesia galega medieval 296-310
contém: Arbor Aldea (2018), “Madrid-Estocolmo-Londres-Nova York: As etapas da longa viaxe do Pergamiño Vindel”, The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax / O Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax. The Golden Age of Medieval Galician Poetry / O esplendor da poesia galega medieval 312-34
Subject Poesia - Até 1351 - Lírica
Source of Data for Persons bioid 1018 Martín Codax, jogral
Source of Data for References bibid 21580 Santiago Gómez (2019), “Recensão: Rodríguez Guerra, et al. (2018). The Vindel Parchment…”, Verba
Record Status Created 2018-11-11
Updated 2020-07-08