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ID no. of Reference BITAGAP bibid 18748
Format livro electrónico. referência secundária. World Wide Web
Title Ecclesiastics and political state building in the Iberian monarchies, 13th-15th centuries
Associated persons Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar (Coord.)
Maria João Branco (Coord.)
Series Biblioteca - Estudos & Colóquios
Place / Publisher Évora: Publicações do Cidehus
Date / Location 2016:
References (most recent first) contém: Lineham (2016), “Towards a Portuguese reformation”, Ecclesiastics and political state building in the Iberian monarchies, 13th-15th centuries 17-25
contém: Vilar (2016), “Between service and loyalty: chancery and chancellors of Portugal in the 14th century”, Ecclesiastics and political state building in the Iberian monarchies, 13th-15th centuries 57-79
contém: Coelho et al. (2016), “Clergy and royal service: the case of King Fernando's chancery”, Ecclesiastics and political state building in the Iberian monarchies, 13th-15th centuries 80-112
contém: Hernández (2016), “Ascenso y caída de Gómez García, abad de Valladolid y privado de Sancho IV de Castilla”, Ecclesiastics and political state building in the Iberian Monarchies, 13th-14th centuries 113-28
contém: Vigil Montes (2016), “João Afonso Esteves de Azambuja y Rui Lourenço, dos perfiles de eclesiástico diferentes en los primeros compases de la construcción de las paces entre Portugal y Castilla (1389-1407)”, Ecclesiastics and political state building in the Iberian monarchies, 13th-15th centuries 129-46
contém: Seabra (2016), “The clergymen of Oporto in some documents of the registry of the cathedral chapter”, Ecclesiastics and political state building in the Iberian monarchies, 13th-15th centuries 240-45
contém: Díaz Marcilla (2016), “Las relaciones entre Alfonso X y el cabildo y ciudad de Santiago de Compostela”, Ecclesiastics and political state building in the Iberian monarchies, 13th-15th centuries 259-74
contém: Leitão (2016), “Leges et canones. Portuguese law students in 14th and 15th century Italy”, Ecclesiastics and political state building in the Iberian monarchies, 13th-15th centuries 275-90
Subject Recursos electrónicos - Internet
Internet visto 2020-04-04
Record Status Created 2016-11-02
Updated 2020-04-04