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ID no. of Reference BITAGAP bibid 16624
Format livro. colecção de estudos. Impresso
Title Spain, Portugal and the Atlantic Frontier of Medieval Europe
Associated persons José-Juan López-Portillo (Ed. Lit.)
Series The Expansion of Latin Europe, 1000-1500
Place / Publisher Farnham (Surrey): Ashgate Variorum
Date / Location 2013: pp.
References (most recent first) contém: Russell-Wood (1994), “Before Columbus: Portugal's African Prelude to the Middle Passage and Contribution to Discourse on Race and Slavery”, Race Discourse and the Origin of the Americas: A New World View of 1492 257-91
contém: Hair (1994), “How the South was Won - and How Portuguese Discovery Began”, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 353-67
contém: O'Callaghan (1993), “Castile, Portugal, and the Canary Islands: Claim and Counterclaims, 1344-1479”, Viator 169-92
contém: Verlinden (1970), “Feudal and Demesnial Forms of Portuguese Colonization in the Atlantic Zone in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, Especially under Henry the Navigator”, The Beginnings of Modern Colonization: Eleven Essays with Introduction 305-42
contém: Luttrell (1965), “Slavery and Slaving in the Portuguese Atlantic (to about 1500)”, The Translatlantic Slave Trade from West Africa 293-303
contém: Rau (1964), “The Settlement of Madeira and the Sugar Cane Plantations”, Afdelung Agrarische Geschiedenis 343-52
contém: Russell (1995), “Prince Henry the Navigator. The Rise and Fall of a Culture Hero”, Portugal, Spain, and the African Atlantic […] 229-56
contém: Russell (1986), “White Kings on Black Kings: Rui de Pina and the Problem of Black African Sovereignty”, Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Honour of Robert Brian Tate 215-27
Source of Data for References bibid 16629 Hair (1994), “How the South was Won - and How Portuguese Discovery Began”, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies
bibid 16627 Luttrell (1965), “Slavery and Slaving in the Portuguese Atlantic (to about 1500)”, The Translatlantic Slave Trade from West Africa
bibid 16623 O'Callaghan (1993), “Castile, Portugal, and the Canary Islands: Claim and Counterclaims, 1344-1479”, Viator
bibid 16628 Rau (1964), “The Settlement of Madeira and the Sugar Cane Plantations”, Afdelung Agrarische Geschiedenis
bibid 5055 Russell (1986), “White Kings on Black Kings: Rui de Pina and the Problem of Black African Sovereignty”, Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Honour of Robert Brian Tate
bibid 5054 Russell (1995), “Prince Henry the Navigator. The Rise and Fall of a Culture Hero”, Portugal, Spain, and the African Atlantic […]
bibid 16626 Russell-Wood (1994), “Before Columbus: Portugal's African Prelude to the Middle Passage and Contribution to Discourse on Race and Slavery”, Race Discourse and the Origin of the Americas: A New World View of 1492
bibid 16630 Verlinden (1970), “Feudal and Demesnial Forms of Portuguese Colonization in the Atlantic Zone in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, Especially under Henry the Navigator”, The Beginnings of Modern Colonization: Eleven Essays with Introduction
Record Status Created 2014-06-14
Updated 2014-06-16