Philobiblon (sm)(tm)

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Work ID number BITAGAP texid 13383
Authors Desconhecido
Titles Apontamentos de astronomia
Date / Place escrito/a 1401 - 1500
Text Type: Prosa
References (most recent first) Referido em: King (2001), The Cyphers of the Monks: A Forgotten Number-Notation of the Middle Ages 129-30
Subject Astronomia - Astrologia - Almanaques
Number of Witnesses 1
ID no. of Witness 1 cnum 27783
City, library, collection & call number Oxford: Bodleian Library, MS. Tanner 192 (BITAGAP manid 5354)
Copied 1351 - 1400
Location in witness f. 7v
Title(s) Desconhecido, Apontamentos de astronomia, escrito/a 1401 - 1500
Incipit & Explicits texto: [ 7v] P~a saber o g̃do do sol e da lua ẽ ᵵpo da cõjunçõ veede ẽ q̃l dia de q̃l mes enᵵ o sol ẽ no signal q̃ he … começo do signal seguĩte e se for ẽ meos de ᵵnta ~tos forẽ tantos sã os g̃dos naq̃l signal
References Fotografia em: King (2001), The Cyphers of the Monks: A Forgotten Number-Notation of the Middle Ages 130 , n. Fig. III.9.2(b)
Record Status Created 2011-09-17
Updated 2021-02-05