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Work ID number BITAGAP texid 1312
Authors Abraão ben Judah ibn Hayyim
Titles Livro das Cores
Livro de como se fazem as Cores
Incipit & Explicits texto: Si quiseres fazer o ouro
Date / Place traduzido/a 1462 ca. ?
Text Type: Prosa
References (most recent first) Nabais et al. (2020), “A 1000-year-old mystery solved: Unlocking the molecular structure for the medieval blue from Chrozophora tinctoria, also known as folium”, Science Advances
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Cohen (2018), “New Sources in Portuguese Aljamiado. A Collection of Letters Concerning the Commercial Activities of Sephardic Jews in the Ottoman Empire and Italy During the Mid-Sixteenth Century”, Portuguese Jews, New Christians, and 'New Jews'. A Tribute to Roberto Bachmann 75
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Nascimento (2018), “Encadernação do códice em Alcobaça: uma técnica de resguardar e disponibillizar o livro”, O Scriptorium de Alcobaça: o longo percurso do livro manuscrito português 220
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Subject Fundo Geral
Tinta - Tintas
Pigmentos - Corantes
Iluminuras - Miniaturas - Ornatos - Elementos decorativos
Texto aljamiado - caracteres hebraicos
Texto judeu-português
Number of Witnesses 1
ID no. of Witness 1 cnum 1996
City, library, collection & call number Parma: Biblioteca Palatina, 1959 [Hebraici, 945] (BITAGAP manid 1557)
Copied 1462-05 (Matos (2011), p. v. (ex cólofon))
Loulé (De Rossi): Abraão ben Judah ibn Hayyim, 1262 (De Rossi)
Location in witness ff. 1r-20r
Title(s) Abraão ben Judah ibn Hayyim, Livro das Cores, traduzido/a 1462 ca. ?
Incipit & Explicits prólogo: [ 1r] Aki se komiença o libro de komo se fazen as kores
texto: [ 1r] primera mente tomaras deos onça de gupiter … [ 20r] … como ao catasol nos vidos
References Ed. parcial em: Blasco Orellana et al. (2018), “Medieval Hebrew-Portuguese Texts in Aljamía”, Portuguese Jews, New Christians, and 'New Jews'. A Tribute to Roberto Bachmann 32-33
Matos (2011), “The MS. Parma 1959 in the Context of Portuguese Hebrew Illumination”, 150
Hilty et al. (2006), “Le judéo-portugais -une langue marginalisée?”, De márgenes y silencios. Homenaje a Martín Lienhard 101
Sá et al. (1960), “O Livro de como se fazem as cores de Abraão B. Judah ibn Hayyim”, Revista da Faculdade de Letras. Terceira Série
Blondheim (1930), “Livro de como se fazem as cores”, Todd Memorial Volumes. Philological Studies
Vishnitzer et al. (1929), “Note on 'An Old Portuguese Work on Manuscript Illumination'”, The Jewish Quarterly Review. New Series
Blondheim (1929), “Additional Note on 'An Old Portuguese Work on Manuscript Illumination'”, The Jewish Quarterly Review. New Series
Blondheim (1928-29), “An Old Portuguese Work on Manuscript Illumination”, The Jewish Quarterly Review. New Series
Record Status Created 1988-10-04
Updated 2021-09-10