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Work ID number BITAGAP texid 12670
Authors Nicholaus V, Papa
Titles Bula: Romanus Pontifex
Date / Place escrito/a Roma 1455-01-08
Text Type: Prosa
Associated Texts texid 15201 João Duarte, Instrumento da publicação e leitura pública da Bula Romanus Pontifex de Nicolau V, escrito/a 1456-05-28
texid 5997 Sixtus IV, Papa, Bula de Guiné (tr. Vasco Fernandes de Lucena, cronista-mor), traduzido/a 1488-04-10
References (most recent first) Marcocci (2011), L'invenzione di un impero. Politica e cultura nel mondo portoghese (1450-1600) 32-33, 40
Medrano Fernández (2010), Un mercado entre fronteras: las relaciones comerciales entre Castilla y Portugal al final de la Edad Media 28-29, 48
Araújo (2009), Portugal e Castela na Idade Média 96, 111-12-114
Rojas Donat (2007), La potestad apostólica in spiritualibus en las bulas ultramarinas portuguesas del siglo XV
Vale (2004), “O Conde de Ourém e a política de D. Duarte junto da Santa Sé”, Actas. Congresso Histórico D. Afonso 4.o Conde de Ourém, e sua Época 186
Russell-Wood (1994), “Before Columbus: Portugal's African Prelude to the Middle Passage and Contribution to Discourse on Race and Slavery”, Race Discourse and the Origin of the Americas: A New World View of 1492 152
O'Callaghan (1993), “Castile, Portugal, and the Canary Islands: Claim and Counterclaims, 1344-1479”, Viator 24:305-06, 309
Verlinden (1970), “Feudal and Demesnial Forms of Portuguese Colonization in the Atlantic Zone in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, Especially under Henry the Navigator”, The Beginnings of Modern Colonization: Eleven Essays with Introduction 230-31
Davenport (1917-35), European Treaties Bearing on the History of the United States and its Dependencies to 1648 1:9-26 , n. 1
Russell (1986), “White Kings on Black Kings: Rui de Pina and the Problem of Black African Sovereignty”, Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Honour of Robert Brian Tate 154-55
Note Texto em latim: Torre do Tombo: Bulas, Maço 7, n. 29.
Subject Bulas - Indulgências
Record Status Created 2010-07-26
Updated 2023-07-09