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ID no. of MS BITAGAP manid 1027
City and Library Coimbra Biblioteca Geral da Universidade
Collection: Call number R-73-11
Title of volume Chronica do Condestabre de Portvgal Dom Nvnalvrez Pereyra
Imprint Lisboa: António Álvares, 1623

External description
Writing surface Papel
Format fólio
Leaf Analysis ff.: 4 + 73 [72]
Collation [2] + x2 + A6 - M6
Page Layout 2 colunas
Size folha 255 × 178 mm
Font redondos
Condition A foliação passa de 56 a 58
Previous owners (oldest first) Manuel da Conceição (Fr.)
References (most recent first) Wilkinson et al. (2016), Iberian books Volumes II & III Books published in Spain, Portugal and the New World or elsewhere in Spanish or Portuguese between 1601 and 1650 | Libros Ibéricos Volúmenes II y III Libros publicados en España, Portugal y el Nuevo Mundo o impresos en toros lugares en español o portugués entre 1601 y 1650 2:51 , n. 20744
Maleval (2012), “A estoria de Dom Nuno Alvrez Pereyra ou Coronica do Condestabvre”, Série Estudos Medievais 3: Fontes e edições 118
Carvalho (1891), Diccionario Bibliographico Militar Portuguez 79
Arouca et al. (2001-11), Bibliografia das Obras Impressas em Portugal no Século XVII 1:576 , n. C 726
Coimbra. Biblioteca Geral da Universidade (1970), Catálogo dos Reservados da Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra 218 , n. 838
Cintra (1960), Bibliografia de textos medievais portugueses 50 , n. 228
Cardoso (1957), “A Bibliografia Condestabriana”, Lusitania Sacra 2:228 , n. 3
Santos [Livraria] (1924), Catálogo da notavel e preciosa livraria que foi do ilustre bibliófilo conimbricense Conde do Ameal (João Correia Aires de Campos) 152 , n. 618
Matos (1878), Manual Bibliographico Portuguez de Livros Raros, Classicos e Curiosos 160-61
Silva et al. (1858-1923), Diccionario Bibliographico Portuguez 2:110
Chronica do condestabre de Portugal dom Nunalvrez Pereyra (1848)
Antonio et al. (1788), Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus 2:357
Exemplar não localizado: Oliveira (1939-1940), Catálogo da riquíssima biblioteca de Victor M. d'Ávila Perez [Leilão 75 a Leilão 80] 6:962 , n. 8652
Pettegree et al. (2011-), Universal Short Title Catalogue , n. 5023007
Note Exemplares não localizados/identificados: 1) Souza Guimarães (n. 567, p. 29); 2) Marqueses de Castelho Melhor (p. 29, n. 724) que passou (em 1878, por 950 reis) a "Marques": Thomas Norton (Bibid 11080, p. 41, n. 185); 3) exemplar à venda na Livraria Pereira da Silva: (Bibid 18741, n. 2 [1908], p.. 224, item 295); 4) exemplar à venda no leilão da Livraria José dos Santos & Irmão da biblioteca de Monteverde da Cunha Lobo (Bibid 18759, p. 159, item 1616).

Subject Impressos
Impressos - Século XVII
Internet visto 2019-05-16

Internal Description
Number of texts in volume: 1
Specific witness ID no. 1 BITAGAP cnum 1036
Location in volume 1r - 73
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 1031
Desconhecido. Crónica do Condestabre de Portugal Nuno Álvares Pereira
Date escrito/a 1431 ca. - 1440 ?
Title(s) in witness Chronica // do condestabre // de Portvgal Dom // Nunalvarez Pereyra
Incipits & explicits in MS prólogo: [ 1r] ANtiguamente foi custume fazerẽ memoria
texto: [ 1r] EM Portugal ouue huum grande caualeyro
Number of additional copies of edition 50
ID no. of additional copy of edition 1 BITAGAP copid 1299
City and Library Braga Biblioteca Pública
Collection: Call number Res. 207 P
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 2 BITAGAP copid 1159
City and Library Cambridge Harvard University (Houghton Library)
Collection: Call number PC Al 864 W526cc
External description
History of volume Adquirido 1928-12-03
Previous owners (oldest first) Fernando Palha Est. AB 7, Est. G 7
Associated persons Doação de John B. Stetson, Jr.
References (most recent first) Wilkinson et al. (2016), Iberian books Volumes II & III Books published in Spain, Portugal and the New World or elsewhere in Spanish or Portuguese between 1601 and 1650 | Libros Ibéricos Volúmenes II y III Libros publicados en España, Portugal y el Nuevo Mundo o impresos en toros lugares en español o portugués entre 1601 y 1650 2:51 , n. 20744
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M. Fernando Palha (1896) 3:148 , n. 2853

ID no. of additional copy of edition 3 BITAGAP copid 3240
City and Library Cambridge Harvard University (Houghton Library)
Collection: Call number PC Al 864 W526cca
External description
Writing surface Papel
Previous owners (oldest first) Fernando Palha Est. AB 7, Est. G 7
Associated persons Doação de John B. Stetson, Jr.
References (most recent first) Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M. Fernando Palha (1896) 3:148 , n. 2853

ID no. of additional copy of edition 4 BITAGAP copid 1779
City and Library Chicago University of Chicago
Collection: Call number DP583.C5 1623
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Cambridge, MA: Harvard College 1912-10-07 - 1925 ad quem
Archibald Cary Coolidge (Professor), historiador 1912-10-07
Bento Gomes de Macedo Braga
Associated persons Doação de Archibald Cary Coolidge (Professor), historiador

ID no. of additional copy of edition 5 BITAGAP copid 1467
City and Library Coimbra Universidade de Coimbra - Faculdade de Letras (Sala Gama Barros)
Collection: Call number G.B. X-C-1
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 6 BITAGAP copid 3239
City and Library Desconhecido Desconhecido
External description
References (most recent first) Specialist Books & Manuscripts Including Part II of The Hans Fellner Collection (2014-03-26) , n. Lot 292

ID no. of additional copy of edition 7 BITAGAP copid 3254
City and Library Desconhecido Desconhecido
External description
History of volume Leiloado Lisboa 2016-11-09
Previous owners (oldest first) Francisco de Paula Leite Pinto (Nascimento Lisboa 1906)
References (most recent first) Nuno Gonçalves, Leiloeiro, Livreiro, Unip. Lds. (2016), Leilão Biblioteca Particular Parte V 22 , n. 36

ID no. of additional copy of edition 8 BITAGAP copid 3246
City and Library Desconhecido Não localizado
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Maria da Assunção Ferreira (D.), 3a Condessa de Azambuja
References (most recent first) Trindade et al. (1909), Catálogo da rica e preciosa livraria que faz parte do espolio da fallecida Exma. Sra Condessa de Azambuja 64 , n. 547

ID no. of additional copy of edition 9 BITAGAP copid 1559
City and Library Desconhecido Não localizado
External description
History of volume Adquirido 1997
Previous owners (oldest first) Jorge de Brito, banqueiro 1969 ca. - 1997
Ernesto Vilhena, comandante
References (most recent first) Leiria e Nascimento, Lda. (1997), Importante biblioteca ex-colecção Comandante Ernesto Vilhena 4:40 , n. 237

ID no. of additional copy of edition 10 BITAGAP copid 3247
City and Library Desconhecido Não localizado
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Condes de São Lourenço - Marqueses de Sabugosa [Casa]
References (most recent first) Trindade (1904), Catalogo methodico da livraria dos Marquezes de Sabugosa, Condes de S. Lourenço , n. 742
Subject Diogo Barreto, escrivão da Coudelaria em Serpa [1484-02]

ID no. of additional copy of edition 11 BITAGAP copid 3248
City and Library Desconhecido Não localizado
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Condes de Azevedo [Casa]
Francisco Teixeira de Aguiar e Azeredo, 2o Conde de Samodães
References (most recent first) Santos [Livraria] (1921-22), Catálogo da importante e preciosíssima livraria que pertenceu aos notaveis escritores e bibliófilos Condes de Azevedo e Samodães 1:210 , n. 752

ID no. of additional copy of edition 12 BITAGAP copid 3249
City and Library Desconhecido Não localizado
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) João Maria Correia Aires de Campos (Dr.), 1o Conde de Ameal [1901-06-22]
References (most recent first) Santos [Livraria] (1924), Catálogo da notavel e preciosa livraria que foi do ilustre bibliófilo conimbricense Conde do Ameal (João Correia Aires de Campos) 152 , n. 618
Subject João Maria Correia Aires de Campos (Dr.), 1o Conde de Ameal [1901-06-22]

ID no. of additional copy of edition 13 BITAGAP copid 3250
City and Library Desconhecido Não localizado
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Rodrigo Veloso (Dr.)
References (most recent first) José dos Santos [Livraria] (1914), Segundo escrínio bibliográfico da importante e valioso livraria que foi do distinto escrito, jurisconsulto e bibliófilo, Dr. Rodrigo Velôso 467 , n. 6350
Subject Rodrigo Veloso (Dr.)

ID no. of additional copy of edition 14 BITAGAP copid 3251
City and Library Desconhecido Não localizado
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Víctor d' Ávila Pérez
References (most recent first) Oliveira (1939-1940), Catálogo da riquíssima biblioteca de Victor M. d'Ávila Perez [Leilão 75 a Leilão 80] , n. 1769
Subject Víctor d' Ávila Pérez

ID no. of additional copy of edition 15 BITAGAP copid 3252
City and Library Desconhecido Não localizado
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Víctor d' Ávila Pérez
References (most recent first) Oliveira (1939-1940), Catálogo da riquíssima biblioteca de Victor M. d'Ávila Perez [Leilão 75 a Leilão 80] , n. 8652
Subject Víctor d' Ávila Pérez

ID no. of additional copy of edition 16 BITAGAP copid 3253
City and Library Desconhecido Não localizado
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) José Maria Nepomuceno, arquiteto
References (most recent first) Trindade (1897), Catálogo da livraria do fallecido distincto bibliógrapho e biblióphilo José Maria Nepomuceno 60 , n. 480
Subject José Maria Nepomuceno, arquiteto

ID no. of additional copy of edition 17 BITAGAP copid 1364
City and Library Évora Biblioteca Pública de Évora
Collection: Call number NReservado 0490 | Olim N. Res. 490
External description
Writing surface Pergaminho
Previous owners (oldest first) Joseph Pessoa

ID no. of additional copy of edition 18 BITAGAP copid 1609
City and Library Évora Biblioteca Pública de Évora
Collection: Call number NReservado 0525 | Olim N. Res. 525
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 19 BITAGAP copid 1798
City and Library Firenze Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
Collection: Call number MAGL.19.3.40
External description
Subject Recursos electrónicos - Internet - Obra digitalizada
Internet digitalização visto 2022-05-13

ID no. of additional copy of edition 20 BITAGAP copid 1792
City and Library Göttingen Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
Collection: Call number BIBL KLAMMER 10
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Gerhard Klammer, historiador

ID no. of additional copy of edition 21 BITAGAP copid 1638
City and Library Leiria Arquivo Distrital de Leiria
Collection: Call number D-23-8-5
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 22 BITAGAP copid 1648
City and Library Leiria Biblioteca do Seminário Diocesano de Leiria
Collection: Call number 03-06-10 | Olim 13-EA-Fb | Olim 32-G
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Ricardo Heredia y Livermore, 1o Conde de Benahavís [1875-10-08]
Vicente Salvá y Pérez, livreiro - leiloeiro Londres (1825 - 1830-04)
References (most recent first) Heredia y Livermore (1891-94), Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de M. Ricardo Heredia, Comte de Benahavis 4:443 , n. 7631
Salvá y Mallén (1872), Catálogo de la Biblioteca de Salvá 2:463 , n. 2899

ID no. of additional copy of edition 23 BITAGAP copid 1305
City and Library Lisboa Academia das Ciências de Lisboa
Collection: Call number E 41-19
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Lisboa: Convento de Nossa Senhora de Jesus

ID no. of additional copy of edition 24 BITAGAP copid 1199
City and Library Lisboa Biblioteca do Palácio da Ajuda
Collection: Call number 22-XI-23 | Olim I*-12-24
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Lisboa: Biblioteca - Arquivo Biblioteca

ID no. of additional copy of edition 25 BITAGAP copid 1200
City and Library Lisboa Biblioteca do Palácio da Ajuda
Collection: Call number B-XIII-20 | Olim I-8-11
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 26 BITAGAP copid 1797
City and Library Lisboa (Alcântara) Biblioteca da Casa Sabugosa e São Lourenço
Collection: Call number B.3.11
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 27 BITAGAP copid 3243
City and Library Lisboa (Belém) Biblioteca Central de Marinha
Collection: Call number RCb9-18
External description
Writing surface Papel

ID no. of additional copy of edition 28 BITAGAP copid 1713
City and Library Lisboa Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Collection: Call number H.G. 3081 A
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 29 BITAGAP copid 1316
City and Library Lisboa Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Collection: Call number H.G. 4553 V
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 30 BITAGAP copid 1714
City and Library Lisboa Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Collection: Call number H.G. 18589 V
External description
Subject Recursos electrónicos - Internet - Obra digitalizada

ID no. of additional copy of edition 31 BITAGAP copid 3359
City and Library Lisboa Livraria Castro e Silva
External description
References (most recent first) Livraria Castro & Silva (2022-05), Catálogo 169
Subject Recursos electrónicos - Internet
Internet visto 2022-05-27

ID no. of additional copy of edition 32 BITAGAP copid 1227
City and Library Lisboa Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo
Collection: Call number Série Preta 3694 [Casa Forte]
External description
Writing surface Papel
References (most recent first) Simões (1990), Catálogo dos impressos de tipografia portuguesa do século XVI. A colecção da Biblioteca Nacional 116 , n. 212
Note Cópias manuscritas do rosto e última folha. O exemplar vendido pela casa Sousa Guimarães?

ID no. of additional copy of edition 33 BITAGAP copid 1229
City and Library London The British Library
Collection: Call number 1331. c. 1
External description
Associated persons Exemplar que foi de Charles Stuart (Lord), 1 o Conde de Machico [1822-11-22] ?
Exemplar que foi de: Robert Southey, bibliófilo ?
References (most recent first) S. Leigh Sotheby & Co. (1844), Catalogue of the valuable library of the Late Robert Southey […] 1745 , n. 3345
Munby et al., eds. (1974), Catalogue of the valuable Library of the late Robert Southey, Esq., LL.D. [London: Sotheby, 1844] 9:254 , n. 3345
Goldsmith (1974), A Short-Title Catalogue of Spanish and Portuguese Books 1601-1700 in the Library of The British Museum , n. A 199
Sotheby, S. Leigh, and John Wilkinson [Auctioneers] (1855), Catalogue of the valuable library of the late right honourable Lord Stuart de Rothesay 65 , n. 894

ID no. of additional copy of edition 34 BITAGAP copid 3233
City and Library München Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Collection: Call number 8461152 Biogr. 26
External description
Subject Recursos electrónicos - Internet - Obra digitalizada

ID no. of additional copy of edition 35 BITAGAP copid 3355
City and Library Oviedo Biblioteca de la Universidad de Oviedo
Collection: Call number CGV-0387
External description
Condition Faltam os fólios 7, 8 e 57
Binding Pergaminho
Subject Recursos electrónicos - Internet - Obra digitalizada
Internetſ2Fdspacę2Fbitstream%2F10651%2F38864%2F2%2F748798_OP.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1eZzLTZkZLO5WmfZNr7IEH digitalização visto 2020-09-30

ID no. of additional copy of edition 36 BITAGAP copid 3245
City and Library Oxford Bodleian Library
Collection: Call number Arch. SIGMA 142 (2)
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 37 BITAGAP copid 3244
City and Library Oxford Bodleian Library
Collection: Call number (OC) 243 h.26
External description
Writing surface Papel

ID no. of additional copy of edition 38 BITAGAP copid 1604
City and Library Oxford Taylor Institution Library
Collection: Call number 106.H.16 [Nuneham Courtney]
External description
History of volume Adquirido 1940-10-18
Previous owners (oldest first) Bernard Quartich [Corp.] 1882-11
Particular Biblioteca
References (most recent first) Spencer (1881-83), Bibliotheca Sunderlandiana 1:719 , n. 9464

ID no. of additional copy of edition 39 BITAGAP copid 3219
City and Library Paris Bibliothèque Mazarine
Collection: Call number 2o 6280
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 40 BITAGAP copid 1759
City and Library Ponta Delgada Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada
Collection: Call number JC/A AR.3 B/45 RES | Olim JC 698
External description
History of volume Adquirido 1946
Previous owners (oldest first) José do Campo (Nascimento 1820) 1898

ID no. of additional copy of edition 41 BITAGAP copid 1764
City and Library Ponta Delgada Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada
Collection: Call number JC/A AR.5 C/106 RES [2] | Olim JC 2462
External description
History of volume Adquirido 1946
Previous owners (oldest first) José do Campo (Nascimento 1820) 1898

ID no. of additional copy of edition 42 BITAGAP copid 1465
City and Library Porto Biblioteca da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
External description
References (most recent first) Leite et al. (2012), O livro antigo na Biblioteca Central da FLUP: catálogo 21
Leite (1989), Reservados da Biblioteca Central [Universidade do Porto] 10

ID no. of additional copy of edition 43 BITAGAP copid 1374
City and Library Porto Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto
Collection: Call number G-12-18
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 44 BITAGAP copid 1515
City and Library Rio de Janeiro Biblioteca Nacional
Collection: Call number Divisão de Obras Raras: P4A. 1. 3 | Olim A7. 2. 13 | Olim V93. 6. 18
External description

ID no. of additional copy of edition 45 BITAGAP copid 1514
City and Library Rio de Janeiro Biblioteca Nacional
Collection: Call number Divisão de Obras Raras: 60. 3. 14
External description
Previous owners (oldest first) Rio de Janeiro: Bibliotheca Fluminense 2460

ID no. of additional copy of edition 46 BITAGAP copid 1404
City and Library Rio de Janeiro Real Gabinete Português de Leitura
Collection: Call number 14. F. 2 [Reserva]
External description
References (most recent first) Rio de Janeiro. Gabinete Português de Leitura (1858), Catalogo dos Livros do Gabinete Portuguez de Leitura no Rio de Janeiro, seguido de um supplemento das obras entradas no Gabinete depois de começada a impressão 37 , n. 4967

ID no. of additional copy of edition 47 BITAGAP copid 3241
City and Library Vaticano (Città del) Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Collection: Call number Stamp. Barb. S.III.1
External description
Writing surface Papel
References (most recent first) Wilkinson et al. (2016), Iberian books Volumes II & III Books published in Spain, Portugal and the New World or elsewhere in Spanish or Portuguese between 1601 and 1650 | Libros Ibéricos Volúmenes II y III Libros publicados en España, Portugal y el Nuevo Mundo o impresos en toros lugares en español o portugués entre 1601 y 1650 2:51 , n. 20744
Subject Recursos electrónicos - Internet

ID no. of additional copy of edition 48 BITAGAP copid 1212
City and Library Vila Viçosa Biblioteca da Casa de Bragança
Collection: Call number BDM II 676
External description
References (most recent first) Borrões (1982), Inventário da Biblioteca de D. Manuel II 252-3 , n. 676

ID no. of additional copy of edition 49 BITAGAP copid 1105
City and Library Washington Library of Congress
Collection: Call number DP590 A5 C67 1623
External description
Writing surface Papel
Leaf Analysis 76: [4] + 72
Previous owners (oldest first) Sevilha: Colegio de San Alberto
Note A numeração dos fólios chega até 73, mas falta o n. 57.

ID no. of additional copy of edition 50 BITAGAP copid 3242
City and Library Wien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Collection: Call number 61.F.22
External description
References (most recent first) Wilkinson et al. (2016), Iberian books Volumes II & III Books published in Spain, Portugal and the New World or elsewhere in Spanish or Portuguese between 1601 and 1650 | Libros Ibéricos Volúmenes II y III Libros publicados en España, Portugal y el Nuevo Mundo o impresos en toros lugares en español o portugués entre 1601 y 1650 2:51 , n. 20744
Subject Recursos electrónicos - Internet - Obra digitalizada

Record Status Created 1988-07-05
Updated 2019-05-16