Philobiblon (sm)(tm)

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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BETA copid 9024
City and Library Toronto Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
Collection: Call number inc f 00081
Printed Pamplona: Arnaldo Guillén de Brocar, 1498 (Torres Pérez)

External description

Size encuad.: 330 × 220 mm (Orbis Cat.)
Binding caja de piel estilo mudèjar con hierros dorados, s. XXI (U Toronto Cat.)
History of volume Comprado a Konstantinopel Rare & Fine Books 2016 (U Toronto Cat.)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: University of Toronto (2013 ad quem), Library Catalogue [OPAC] , n. 2015 + 159
Note Descr. Toronto Cat.: “Bound in contemporary leather slipcase with Spanish blind-tooled binding in Mudéjar style”
Subject Internet - Facsímiles digitalizados
Internet Orbis Cat. visto 2020-03-25
Record Status Created 2020-03-25