Philobiblon (sm)(tm)

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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BETA copid 8542
City and Library Wien Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Collection: Call number Sammlung von Handschriften und alten Drucken: 60.J.19
Printed Valladolid: Francisco Fernández de Córdoba, 1552 ? (BNE Cat.)

External description

State Emisión B: incluye la tasa de 40 maravedís en la portada y corrige algunos errores (Gago-Jover)
Leaf analysis ff.: lxiiij (Lázaro Galdiano cat.)
Binding holandesa, con lomo de perg., guardas de papel de aguas glaseado, s. XIX (Faulhaber)
References (most recent first) Gago Jover (2017-04-10), Carta (correo electrónico): Luis de Aranda, Glosas de moral sentido (manid 5874)
Catalogado en: Wien. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek [ÖNB] (2007-), Kataloge [OPAC] , n. 60.J.19
Facsímil digital: Wien. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek [ÖNB] (2007-), Digitale Bibliothek & Kataloge , n. 60.J.19
Note Gago-Jover 2017-04-10: “). It seems to be a second printing of the 1552 edition, as it includes the 40 maravedies of the tasa in the cover and appears to correct some errors present in BNE R/3169”
Subject Internet - Facsímiles digitalizados
Internet ÖNG Digitale Bibliothek visto 2017-04-22 ÖNB Kataloge visto 2017-04-22
Record Status Created 2017-04-23
Updated 2020-04-09