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ID no. of Specific Copy

BETA cnum 7218
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 3928
Desconocido. Receta para hacer caer los gusanos
Language castellano
Date Compilado 1500 ca. ad quem
City, library, collection, & call number Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS/3378 | olim 3378 | olim L.132
Title(s) in volume Reçebta ꝑa hazer caer los gusanos, 77va (Faulhaber)
Copied 1451 ca. - 1500 ca. (Faulhaber)
1401 - 1500 (BNE IGM)
Location in witness f. 77va (Faulhaber)
Title(s) in witness Reçebta ꝑa hazer caer los gusanos, 77va (Faulhaber)
Incipits & Explicits in witness rúbrica: [ 77va] ihu
texto: [ 77va] çeljn . meljn . çeljn. meljn | çeljn . meljn . çelj. meljçon | çelj . meljon . çelj. meljçon | asi com̃ beste [?] es verdad. Asj | sane este . hombre deste. mal
References (Most recent first) Incipits / explicits de: Faulhaber (2016), Inspección personal
Record Status Created 1992-01-17
Updated 2016-04-02