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ID no. of Specific Copy

BETA cnum 5744
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 1026
Alfonso X, rey de Castilla y León, Corona de. Ordenamiento de las tafurerías (Faulhaber)
Roldán, maestre. Ordenamiento de las tafurerías (Faulhaber)
Language castellano
Date Promulgado 1276
City, library, collection, & call number Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España, MSS/5784 | olim 5784 | olim Q-97
Title(s) in volume HORdenamjento delas tafurerias (Faulhaber)
Copied 1501 - 1600 (IGM)
Location in witness ff. 1r-9v (Faulhaber)
ff. 2r-10v (Gago)
Title(s) in witness HORdenamjento delas tafurerias (Faulhaber)
References (Most recent first) Edición electrónica en: Gago Jover et al. (2013), Spanish Legal Texts , n. TFJ
Catalogado en: Craddock (1986), The Legislative Works of Alfonso X, el Sabio: A Critical Bibliography 39 , n. Af12
Note Gago 2013, siguiendo las normas del HSMS, numera los ff. del MS consecutivamente, haciendo caso omiso de la fol. original
Subject Internet - Textos electrónicos
Internet HSMS visto 2013-11-05
Record Status Created 1989-08-17
Updated 2015-05-06