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ID no. of MS BETA manid 4476
City and Library Parma Biblioteca Palatina di Parma
Collection: Call number Parmense: 2666 | olim Hisp. 5
Copied 1451 ca. - 1475 ca. (filigranas)

External description
Writing surface papel (Richler 1998)
Leaf Analysis ff.: [ii] + 132 (fol. [ii], 1-96, 121-145, 196-206) (Richler 1998)
Hand sefardíes varias (Richler 1998)
Watermark anillo con diamante (Briquet 689 [1457-77] [Richler 1998])
escudo de Aragón con corona (ff. 24-128) (Briquet 2064 [1464], Valls 240, 242 [1473] [Hamilton 2010])
mano con flor (ff. 199-206) (Hamilton 2010)
iglesia (ff. 199-206) (Valls 1604 [1470] [Hamilton 2020])
Previous owners (oldest first) Solomon ibn Crispin (Richler 1998: 1r)
Abraham J. S. Graziano, bibliófilo (1620 ca. - 1684) 1684 ad quem (Richler 1998: [i]r)
References (most recent first) Novoa (2014), “Seneca in Sefarad on the Eve of the Expulsion. A Fifteenth Century Senecan Florilegium in Aljamiado”, Hispanica Judaica
Descrito en: Hamilton (2014), Beyond Faith: Belief, Morality, and Memory in a Fifteenth-century Judeo-Iberian Manuscript xvi-xxiii
Novoa (2010), “Ms. Parma Pal. 2666 as a Document of Sephardic Literary and Philosophical Expression in Fifteenth Century Spain”, European Judaism
Hamilton (2010), “Debating Love: A Fifteenth-Century Aljamiado Joc-Partit”, eHumanista 132n
Girón-Negrón (2009), ““If there were God”: The Problem of Unbelief in the Visión Deleitable”, The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond, 83
Zemke (2008), “In Memorial Charles Cook, Mentor of Samuel G. Armistead”, Spain's Multicultural Legacies. Studies in Honor of Samuel G. Armistead
Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris (LAMOP) et al. (2006-09), Briquet Online , n. 689, 2064
Descrito en: Beit-Arié (2001), “1343 Parma 266”, Hebrew Manuscripts in the Biblioteca Palatina of Parma
Descrito en: Richler (1998-12-16), Carta
Valls i Subirà et al. (1970), Paper and Watermarks in Catalonia , n. 140, 242, 1604
Note MS. facticio. Richler 1998: Colofón f. 137v fechado 1 de febrero del '68, verosímilmente 1468. En el f. [ii]v una mano sefardí, tal vez la que añadió la fol., hizo un índice que incluye textos que actualmente faltan: Regimientos, f. 146; Casos del rey, f. 151; Pratica de Geli, f. 157; Tesoro de pobres. Es posible que esta última obra sea el tratado médico de el papa Juan XXI, Petrus Julianus, Thesaurus pauperum.

Hamilton 2010:133, 133n: ”The current bound manuscript consists, I believe, of two previously separate manuscripts bound together at a later date. [nota 15] This opinion is based on my analysis of the manuscript in situ in 2002. The current manuscript has been rebound at least twice: once in the nineteenth century and again in 1983. The paper of the debate poem (folio 207) has no watermark-–nor has its bifolio been included in the quire, which instead ends
in a stub. Additionally wormholes found on folios 205-06 are conspicuously absent on folio 207 (that of the poem) indicating that 207 was not have originally included in the manuscript and quire where it is now found. This impression is further substantiated by the fact that the wormholes on folio 207 match those found on folios 198 and 199, suggesting that it was originally included between these two folios (where in the current binding we find only stubs) –thus, between another poem fragment and the beginning of the Danza.”

Hamilton 2010:134n: “The folios (199-207) containing the Danza and the debate poem are also of a different color and quality. Beit-Arié (371) identifies the hand of this poem as mid-15th-century Sephardic semi-cursive script. Watermarks of the folios used for the Danza are different than those used in folios 1-196, as is the ink and hands.'

Novoa 2010:204-207- ofrece facsm. de los ff. 121r-124v, 135r-136v.
Subject Johannes XXI, papa [1276-09-20 - 1277-05-20]
Internet Briquet Online n. 689 visto 2017-10-19 Briquet Online n. 2064 visto 2017-10-19

Internal Description
Number of texts in volume: 8
Specific witness ID no. 1 BETA cnum 8354
Location in volume ff. 1r-96r (Richler 1998)
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 1774
Alfonso de la Torre. Visión deleitable
Language castellano
Date Escrito 1440 ca.
Title(s) in witness Vision deleytable (Richler 1998)
Language of witness aljamiado hebreo
References (most recent first) Torre et al. (1991), Visión deleytable 104-294
Note Falta el pref. y termina incompl. Corresponde al texto de las pág. 104-294 de la ed. de García López, pero con variantes (Richler 1998)
Specific witness ID no. 2 BETA cnum 8355
Location in volume ff. 121r-137 (Richler 1998)
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 1469
pseudo-Lucius Annaeus Seneca. [Proverbios del Seudo-Séneca] (?)
Language castellano
Date Traducido 1445 ca. a quo - 1454-07-21 ad quem
Title(s) in witness Proverbos (Richler 1998)
Seneca, 121r (Novoa 2010)
Tratado de la afectacion, 121r (Novoa 2010)
Incipits & explicits in MS prólogo: [ 121r] ,,, nin a los que son sabedores de las bolver nin buscan muchas nin afeitadas palabras … sus miembros yaziendo en cuero son mas aina recreados de sueño seguro
texto: [ 121r] Biben teniendo por testigo al cielo y así los crio como dijo en el tratado de la afectacion que los señores non fallan quien les diga verdad
Condition incompl. al comienzo y final
Language of witness aljamiado hebreo
References (most recent first) Edición parcial en: Novoa (2014), “Seneca in Sefarad on the Eve of the Expulsion. A Fifteenth Century Senecan Florilegium in Aljamiado”, Hispanica Judaica 200-202
Note Richler 1998: Colección de epigramas extraída de las obras de Séneca. A cada epigrama le procede el título de la obra de Séneca de donde proviene.

Novoa 2010: “The short text, which would seem to be a sort of introduction to or preparation
for the florilegium, stresses what were considered Senecan tropes throughout the
Middle Ages, such as the purity of nature, the non-dependence on riches and the
impartiality of the wise man in the face of fortune. The words serve as a means
to introduce the successive Senecan proverbs allegedly culled from his works.
Describing the life of the wise man, the text relies upon the words of a work
attributed to Seneca, the Tratado de la afectación: ‘Biben teniendo por testigo al
cielo y así los crió como dijo en el tratado de la afectación que los señores non
fallan quien les diga verdad' …

Throughout the aljamiado florilegium the title of a work attributed to Seneca
appears, followed by a phrase or several phrases derived from it. A visual flag
thus signals to the reader of the manuscript that a new work is being cited. More
often than not the citations are designated by “en el” in larger Sephardic cursive
handwriting, followed by the title and sentences. In keeping with the spirit of the
structure of medieval florilegia, the author of the Parma aljamiado manuscript
obviously meant the collection to be just that, a gathering of excerpts and phrases
which could be either read randomly or from beginning to end.

Some of the works cited, such as the El tratado de los benefiçios (De beneficis),
El libro de la clemençia (De clementia), El libro de la consolaçión, one of the
several Consolatiae written by Seneca, El libro de las naturales cuestiones
(Naturales quaestiones), El tratado de la ira (De ira), El libro de la providençia
(De providentia) and El libro de las declamaciones (The book of Declamations),
were in fact written by the Cordoban sage. Other works which are cited, such
as El tratado de la afectación (The Treatise on the Affections), El tratado de la
(The Treatise on Strength), El tratado de las senectudes (The Treatise on
Old Age), El tratado del fado (The Treatise on Fate), El tratado de la contienda
(The Treatise on Conflict), El tratado de la çiençia (The Treatise on Science), El
tratado de la seguridad
(The treatise on security), El tratado de la injuria (The
Treatise on Injury) and El tratado de la gula (The Treatise on Gluttony), are from
that abundant medieval corpus, the pseudo-Seneca.”
Specific witness ID no. 3 BETA cnum 8356
Location in volume ff. 139r-140v (Richler 1998)
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 2977
Desconocido. Tratado sobre la memoria (?)
Language castellano
Date Escrito 1460 ca. ad quem
Title(s) in witness Arte alla [!] memoria (Richler 1998)
Language of witness aljamiado hebreo
Note Texto dividido en 9 capítulos (Richler 1998)
Specific witness ID no. 4 BETA cnum 8357
Location in volume ff. 143r-145v (Richler 1998)
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 9792
Desconocido. [Vocabularios hispano-hebreo y hebreo-español de términos filosóficos]
Language aljamiado hebreo
Date Escrito 1475 ca. ad quem
Note Ocupa f. 143r-v un vocabulario hispano-hebreo de términos filosóficos y en los ff. 144r-145v otro hebro-español, los dos en orden alfabético (Richler 1998)
Specific witness ID no. 5 BETA cnum 8358
Location in volume ff. 196r-197r (Richler 1998)
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 9793
Desconocido. [Vocabulario hebreo-español de términos filosóficos sacados del Millot ha-Higgayon de Moses ben Maimon]
Language aljamiado hebreo
Date Escrito 1475 ca. ad quem
Specific witness ID no. 6 BETA cnum 8359
Location in volume f. 198r (Richler 1998)
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 9794
Desconocido. “Después que el buen conocer | me subió en muy alta cumbre”
Language aljamiado hebreo
Date Escrito 1475 ca. ad quem
Incipits & explicits in MS texto: [ 198r] Despues que el buen conocer [?]
Specific witness ID no. 7 BETA cnum 8360
Location in volume f. 207v (Hamilton 2010)
f. 198v (Richler 1998)
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 9795
Desconocido. “Vos que tanto sabéis | y valéis | en la arte del amar”
Language aljamiado hebreo
Date Escrito 1475 ca. ad quem
Incipits & explicits in MS texto: [ 207v] Vos que tanto sabes | E vales | en la arte del amar … E sobre ella retemlar | Fasta la vida apocar
References (most recent first) Edición electrónica en: Hamilton (2010), “Debating Love: A Fifteenth-Century Aljamiado Joc-Partit”, eHumanista
Specific witness ID no. 8 BETA cnum 8361
Location in volume ff. 199r-206v (Richler 1998)
Uniform Title IDno, Author and Title texid 1151
Desconocido. Danza general de la muerte
Language castellano
Date Escrito 1430 - 1440
Condition termina incompl.
Language of witness aljamiado hebreo
References (most recent first) Hamilton (2013), “Text and Context. A Judeo-Spanish Version of the Danza de la muerte”, Marginal Voices. Studies in “Converso” Literature of Medieval and Golden Age Spain
Morrás et al. (2000), “Un nuevo testimonio de la Danza de la muerte. Hacia la versión primitiva”, Actas del VIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval. Santander, 22-26 septiembre de 1999, Palacio de La Magdalena, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo
Bermejo Hurtado et al. (1966), Danza general de la muerte
Note Corresponde a los vv. 1-520 de la ed. Bermejo Hurtado & Cvitanovic (Richler 1998)
Record Status Created 1999-03-29
Updated 2023-04-20