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ID no. of additional copy of printed edition BETA copid 3190
City and Library London The British Library
Collection: Call number 1.b.11
Printed Ferrara: Yom Tob Atias para Abraham Usque (BL), 1553

External description

Condition imperf.: falta la última h. con el colofón, sustituida por una que lleva letas cortadas de otro impreso y montadas sobre una h. en blanco (BL Cat.)
References (most recent first) Catalogado en: British Library (BL) (2011-07-23 ad quem), Explore the British Library [OPAC] , n. System number 000318701
Note BL Cat.: “In this copy the dedication is addressed to Don?a Gracia Naci, and signed: “Yom Tob Atias y Abraham Usque”; also the verses Leviticus vii. 36-viii. 7a have been omitted; and Isaiah vii. 14 has the rendering: “he la virgen concibien.” Imperfect; wanting the last leaf containing the colophon, which has been supplied by letters cut from some unknown work and mounted on a blank leaf, and reads: “a costa y despesa de yom Tob Atias: Ferrara, 5313.” The titlepage is mutilated. Sig. N20, P. 3-6. are of a different setting up”
Record Status Created 2013-01-05
Updated 2013-01-05