Philobiblon (sm)(tm)

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ID no. of Person BITECA bioid 6525
Name Hubert Gotard, impressor Barcelona (1581 - 1590)
Hubert Gotart
Sex H
Milestones Floruit Barcelona 1581 - 1590
Floruit Tarragona 1586
Affiliation impressor Barcelona 1581 - 1590
impressor Tarragona 1586
Institutional Affiliation Altres Impressor Barcelona: Cartoixa de Scala Dei (1586)
Printer or scribe of manid 5172 Ed.: Madrid: Academia EspaƱola (RAE), RM 2158 (12). Barcelona: Hubert Gotard, 1589. Desconegut, Christians devotament, escrit.
Internet vist 2021-06-08
Record Status Created 2021-06-08
Updated 2024-05-09