Philobiblon (sm)(tm)

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ID no. of Library BETA libid 888
City and Name Madrid: Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático
Former Name Real Escuela de Arte Dramático
Holdings of primary sources: MSS and printed editions (in call number order) copid 9078 0249 D Ed.: Alcalá de Henares: Juan de Brocar, 1552-08-08. Giovanni Boccaccio, Caída de príncipes (tr. Pedro López de Ayala, canciller mayor de Castilla y León, Corona de…), traducido 1402.
copid 3574 0371 D Ed.: Antwerpen: Martín Nucio, 1552. Juan de Mena X, bachiller Madrid, Laberinto de fortuna, escrito 1444-02-22.
Record Status Created 2014-02-08