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ID no. of Library BITECA libid 1405
City and Name London-Oslo: The Schoyen Collection
Former Name
Address London-Oslo
UK - Noruega
Note "The Schoyen Collection is located mainly in Oslo and London. Scholars are always welcome, and are strongly encouraged to do research and to publish material. Parts of the collection are deposited with universities and public libraries to facilitate access for scholars. Over 90 % of the MSS are unpublished at present. […] The correct reference to a specific MS in the collection is: "The Schøyen Collection MS (number)". The correct location is: "Oslo and London". The descriptions are based on the research, publications and kind assistance of a great many scholars."
Holdings of primary sources: MSS and printed editions (in call number order) manid 5088 Altre MS 1985 Ph 6737 469 MS: Salvius Calsada, 1412 - 1416. Pere d'Aragó IV, Rei de Corona d'Aragó, Ordinacions fetes per Pere III sobre el regiment de tots los oficials de la seva Cort (tr. Mateu Adrià), traduït 1344.
Record Status Created 2013-07-10
Updated 2024-04-02